Thursday, July 1, 2010

We're getting closer!

Whew...we made it to 34 weeks. Now, if the babies decide to come, we're ready to roll. Although, we do want to get a couple more weeks. Please, just a couple more weeks!

Have I mentioned lately how extremely uncomfortable I'm getting???  Well, if I haven't, let me just fill you in. I can barely even stand anymore and walking puts me in pure misery. The pressure on my pubic bone is INTENSE!!  Cody has even taken on the roll of having to dress me from the waste down. I literally can't even lift my legs to put pants on anymore. My uterus is measuring at 49 weeks, so needless to say, even if I could walk around this belly is beyond out of control!

At my appointment this morning we were hooked up to the monitors. Everything looked great!  Both babies did exactly what they were supposed to and we were out of there in no time. The doctor checked my cervix and I've started to dialate!!!!!!

Ok, so maybe just a half a centimeter............but dialation none the less :)   I know this could still be a long process but I still feel like the process has now started and I'm getting a little excited. Cody on the other hand, freaking out!!  He has been soo stinkin' cute throughout this whole process and I've realized he panics very easily. He's completely convinced he needs to hang me upside down by my feet for the next two weeks!


  1. Linda and Dale7/01/2010

    Giggle Giggle. I'm picturing you hanging upside down by your feet. I guess I'm a little sick for thinking that way. SORRY!!! I was looking forward to the belly picture. I'm sure you look great even though I can only imagine how you feel. Just try to take it easy and get as much rest as you can. will be ok. You'll make it through all this I promise. Take care and keep us posted.

  2. Anonymous7/02/2010

    HAHA!! I am right with Linda, I too had the image in my head of you hanging upside down!! Oh you two make me laugh ;) We are super excited to meet those two little miracles but please keep them in over the weekend..thanks! Hope you guys a have wonderful and restful 4th of July take care we love you!!

    Jason Heidi Coby and Baby C

  3. Anonymous7/02/2010

    I too think that would be funny to see and especially Cody trying to get you there. All kidding aside I can only half imagine what you feel like, Thank God for air conditioning. I know Linda, with being only one it was hot and miserable. Sounds like all is going well, can't wait for the next page of this book. Maybe they will be little firecrackers. And Yes Cody it will be fine, a few sleepless nights, but Holli has been having them anyway. Love you all 4 have as good of a holiday as possible. Love and Prayers. Hope to see you all soon Grandma and Grandpa

  4. Anonymous7/04/2010

    I have to agree I am trying to imagine you and that big baby belly hanging upside down... *giggle*
    I can not believe that you only have a little over a month till your due date... INCREDIBLE!
    I hope your contractions subside and you are a little more comfortable, though I know that won't happen. A girl can hope!
    Lots of love,
    Dareth & Alyse

  5. Anonymous7/04/2010

    yep laughing,can't imagine how uncomfortable you must be. GLAD to hear that everything is ging well. Clody take a chill pill you are both doing great and will continue to do so.
    Take it easy this weekend and hope that we hear some good news in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to meet Miss & Mr Ginke what a GREAT addition to the family. Gary,Char & Keyane
