Friday, June 25, 2010

33 weeks 2 days

I had my weekly appointment this morning. I must admit, with getting this close to the end it's always nice to have a check in with the doctor so frequently. For my first appointment they hooked me up to the fetal monitors, to check heart rates and activity level. They want to make sure babies are moving (which I could have solidly confirmed without the monitors) but then they also want to make sure there are accelerations in their heart rate when they are more active. Baby boy passed with flying colors (which he is probably the more active one...or at least I can feel him more than I can feel his sister). Baby girl needed some pretty good stimulation in order to get her wound up enough to satisfy them. But all in all, everything looked great. It also documented some pretty good contractions I was having at the time.

After that appointment was my regular OB appointment. Ideally she would love me to go another 2 and 1/2 weeks, just to get them to the 36 week stage. Because any baby born before 36 weeks will automatically go into the NICU, and we would just LOVE for them to stay out!! If I can't make it to 36 weeks, she at least wants me to last another 5 days. In 5 days I will be at 34 weeks and it's at that point that if I went into labor they would not stop me. They would still try to stop my labor if I went within the next 5 days. She checked my cervix today and I am not dialated at all. I am starting to "thin out" but that is to be expected. We also discussed my contractions. I am fairly consistently having contractions for periods of time throughout the day. When I'm experiencing them, they are about 6 to 10 minutes apart and will last approximately an hour to an hour and a half. But once they are gone, they are gone for a while. This too is considered normal and we should not start to worry yet. Cody on the other hand, he starts to worry when I ask him to start writing down times. I don't think he's ready for the babes to be here quite yet!

My next appointment is next Thursday. Hopefully it will be an exact repeat of how well today went and we can last another few weeks.

My feet are asking to be elevated about now. All of this heat and being on them so much today they are pretty swollen. I will do my job and get myself to the couch and I hope all of you have yourselves a FABULOUS weekend!!!


  1. Linda and Dale6/25/2010

    Another appointment down with great news. SUPER!!! Glad to hear it. Also glad to hear you are listening to your body and taking it easy when it tells you to. It seems that you will have your hands full with the little man (always hiding and not showing his face) and the little lady...well she will be the one that has the "I don't care" attitude (look at me, I'm cute and relaxed). Can't wait for the next update. Continue to take care of yourself Holli and Cody try to relax. You will know when those contractions are the real thing. When Holli starts grabbing your hand/arm and leaves finger prints or nails marks you might want to take it serious. Lets hope that's not for at least a couple weeks though.

  2. Anonymous6/28/2010

    I cannot believe how close you are getting to having those bundles of joy! I'm sure you'd disagree but still, I am glad things are going smoothly & you are taking time to relax. I think it's cute that Cody is that way about the contractions! How you hold out and those babies don't come a little too soon..
    Lots of love,
    Dareth & Alyse
