Saturday, June 5, 2010

Good Times!

*A much needed break. Friday was our last day of school and I am beyond looking forward to some time off. My plan until the babies arrive, is to literally do nothing. Not anticipating any troubles in that area!!

*I had another appointment with my doctor yesterday afternoon. Things are continuing to look good. My swelling is continuing to get worse and more uncomfortable every day.  I've also developed myself a little rash and some SERIOUS itching. The rash is only on my legs below my knees and my feet, but the itching is maddening! My doctor did some lab work, looking for a possible problem with my liver functioning that is common with pregnant women. She honestly doesn't expect any problems with this, but she just wants to be on the safe side. She feels the rash has probably developed due to the pregnancy, but it might just be another thing I have to "deal with." My uterus is measuring at 42 weeks, so I've gone beyond any singleton pregnancy. I am still not showing any signs of dialation...good news. Our next appointment will be in two weeks, that will also be our ultrasound. After 32 weeks I will start going every week, so I will be seeing a lot more of them in the near future. We are on the home stretch!!

*My sister and a close friend of the family threw a wonderful shower for me this morning. It's great to have such fantastic friends and these babies were definitely spoiled today. Thanks everyone!!

*We finally got our cribs and changing table picked up. We had to order them and once they came in, one of the cribs was the wrong color and they had to order it again. So we've been waiting a will feel awesome to get those together and get that room settled.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/05/2010

    Sounds really good, been waiting to hear. Sorry you are having to deal with so many adversties, but guess that is part of being the Mom. Have a good night Love you all. Prayers for all of you Grandma and Grandpa Finke
