Wednesday, May 26, 2010

29 weeks

I apologize for all of you who continue to check my blog for things/pictures I've promised...only to find nothing. I seriously have no ambition lately to get anything done. It's much more comfortable for me to just hang out on the couch with my feet up.

Here are some of our latest pictures:

*baby girl profile with her hand up by her face

* baby boy profile (facing opposite direction) with his hand up by his face

*the process of painting the bedroom

(painting is not really Cody's favorite thing...I think he got a little side-tracked)

(finished product...I think he did a fantastic job!!)

*my 29 week "belly picture." It's getting harder and harder for me to see how big I'm getting :(

*I found a little information (because I know some of you are curious) about the "pubic bone pain" that I've been complaining about for several weeks now.

SPD--Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction:
It is caused by a loosening of the pubic symphysis (a joint at the front of the pelvis) during pregnancy. The number one problem that many pregnant women complain about is pubic pain.

Because of hormones, it is normal for there to be some extra looseness and pelvic pressure during pregnancy. This is good because it means your body is getting ready for birth! It's loosening up to give you maximum space and flexibility, and to help make things easy for you and your baby.
However, in some women, either because of excessive levels of hormones, extra sensitivity to hormones, or a pelvis that is out of alignment, this area is extra lax or there is extra pressure on the joint.

Common symptoms that I'm experiencing:
*substantial pubic pain! Tenderness and pain down low in the front is common, but often this pain feels as if it's inside.
*Any activity that involves lifting one leg at a time or parting the legs tends to be particularly painful: difficulty/pain with stairs, getting in and out of the car, sitting down or getting up, putting on clothes, bending, lifting, standing on one foot
*difficulty/pain rolling over in bed (this is primarily my biggest complaint and is severely jeopardizing my sleep right now)
*"clicking" in the pelvis when walking
*waddling gait
*difficulty getting started walking, especially after sleep

Ok, now I'll finish on a brighter note. I just can't resist posting a picture of my niece Khloe....


  1. Anonymous5/26/2010

    Mmmm, all of the pictures are my favorite :) but I especially like the HOLLI one because it reminds me of a pair of scissors I have that Cody etched your name into. He had to have done it during the early stages of your relationship though because he started to write Perrine, but only got as far as Perr.. and the rest gets really squiggly and undefined. Not sure he knew how to finish the rest :)
    The room looks awesome, nice job Cody!
    Miss you both!

    A.J. {Aunt Jamie)

  2. Not sure what to say. I'm sooo impressed with the room. Cody you did a fantastic job. I love the first picture...maybe just a little side tracked. Holli you look great. I'm sure you have a different thought but you do look good. And then the picture of Khloe is sooo beautiful. Just think...if a few months you will be able to take pictures of your own precious babies. I know a lot of people that can't wait for that day. I'm sorry to hear that you are so uncomfortable but I can promise you that when the babies get here you will forget (well maybe forget is too strong) about the discomfort. Continue to take care of yourself and the babies and enjoy the relaxing on the couch now.

  3. Anonymous5/26/2010

    Been checking everyday, but I understand. I agree with Linda, it is not fun, but how soon we do really forget about the pain and enjoy the babies. I know it is easy for all of us to say when we have only carried one. Hopefully the pain will not be that bad the whole rest of the time and you can be a little more comfortable. Yes Khloe is beautiful. Can't wait to seeher in person too. Cody I did not know you were so talented, I will remember that when I want to get fancy, It is beautiful. Take care and as usual Love and Prayers for all of youGrandma and Grandpa

  4. Anonymous5/27/2010

    Hi Cody and Holli! Thanks for posting all the wonderful pictures. The room looks absolutely FAN-TAS-TIC!!! Way to go Cody (with I'm sure some coaching from Holli!!) Holli, you look just lovely! I can't wait to see the belly in person! (I promise I'll try not to touch since I know how much you love that!) I hope your pain subsides. At least you can lounge on the couch and let Cody bring home the bacon for now!
    Khloe is an absolute doll! She is just precious with those cute cheeks and all that hair!!! I'm sure you can't wait to squeeze on her some more!
    Well, you two take care and we're thinking of you!
    Love ya-
    Jeff and Em
