Friday, May 7, 2010

Just a couple of things I found out at my appointment yesterday:

*my glucose testing turned out just fine

*I will be checked every appointment now to see if there are any signs of preterm of yesterday, nothing!

*babies heartrates are looking good at 142 and 145

*my hemoglobin levels were low and of concern. They will start me on iron supplements (and warned me that I should be adding some good doses of fiber into my diet to help alleviate any side effects...great, just what I need)

*my uterus is measuring 36 weeks...almost full term. I understand that when she measures my uterus like that, it's comparing it to a singleton pregnancy. And, I realize that the reason I'm measuring big is because I'm carrying two babies. However, it puts things in a little more perspective for me. It makes me feel a little more comfortable knowing that there is a reason I am feeling like a moose at only 26 weeks! It gives me a little comparison

*my doctor stated again that if we can get me to 36 weeks, that would be absolutely fantastic! If I make it that far but don't start labor on my own, they will induce me somewhere between 37 and 38 weeks. She said it's more likely for me to expect to go somewhere between the 34 and 35th week. It'll be interesting to see how the next couple of months play out.

*we go back again in 2 weeks. At that time we will have another ultrasound...I'm excited to see how much they've grown

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