Tuesday, June 15, 2010

32 weeks

I will be 32 weeks tomorrow...I can't believe how fast the weeks fly by. We have a busy week this week. Thursday is Cody's 6 month oncology appointments. That too sneaks right up on us. Can't believe it's been 6 months already. On Friday, I have my next OB appointment. I will have an ultrasound and then they will also start doing fetal well-being checks, where every appointment from here on out they will be hooking me up to the monitors to get a closer look at the babies. So the appointments could get a little long, plus the fact that I will be starting to go every week. On Saturday my family is throwing me a baby-shower. I am soo looking forward to seeing everyone!!

We continue to be busy around the house too. Last weekend Cody and his dad worked on installing all of our interior bedroom and closet doors. Although it's been a slow process, and I've been ready for my house to be put back together for a long time now, things ARE coming together and will eventually get done.  Cody just keeps telling me "you've got to keep those babies in there for a little while longer!!"  He is getting nervous that they are going to be coming soon and the house won't be done.

I have been doing a pretty good job at taking it easy since being done with work. I have to admit, it's been hard though. There is so much around me that could be done and I do my best to wait until Cody gets home to help with some of it. Sometimes I can't resist and try to do too much myself, but my body lets me know pretty quickly that it's time to sit again.

I will keep you updated as we tackle our appointments at the end of the week.  I'll also try to get some new pictures posted :)


  1. Anonymous6/15/2010

    Wow does sound like a very busy week full of little trips. We all anticipate the great news you will tell us in the end! I can't believe that it'll already be 32 weeks...WOW how time goes quickly when you're not the one pregnant. They will definitly be here in no time.
    Good luck with the appointments, relax alot and keep those babies safe!
    Lots of love & hugs,
    Dareth & Alyse

  2. We are anxiously awaiting new about both appointments. I'm sure the news will be good for both visits. Don't over do and get some needed rest. You too Cody:) :) Will keeping watching for updates.
