Saturday, June 19, 2010

Holy Babies!!!

**We have been having problems with our internet again, so no pictures today...I'm lucky to even be able to get on here and type something. So I'll be quick before it kicks me off.  I'll post pictures soon, I promise!

My appointment yesterday went very well. It started with an ultrasound, which was probably our quickest ever. They did a bio-physical and wanted look at the babies breathing, their movement, and my fluid levels. Both babies scored a perfect score! Oh yeah, and they've gained a little bit of weight too since the last time we saw them. Baby boy now weighs 4lbs 14oz. and his sister is whooping up on him a little bit now weighing in at a whopping 5lbs 4oz. I can't believe how big these babies are getting!!  As uncomfortable as they are making me, it makes me feel so much better thinking about how healthy they'll be when they come out. Today I am at 32 weeks and 3 days and once I hit 34 weeks they wouldn't stop labor if I happened to go in. I wasn't dialated at all on Friday and things looked good. My uterus only grew an inch since last month...I'm now measuring at a 43...which means babies aren't really growing "out" but pushing nicely right up against all my internal organs. Which is SOOO very pleasant! Both babies are head down now, so if they stay that way we can try and shoot for a vaginal delivery.

I continue to grow increasingly uncomfortable, which is to be expected. I used to be fine as long as I could be sitting. Now, even sitting, I just can't seem to find a comfortable position. I am also starting to experience more and more contractions, some which are starting to be a little uncomfortable. That is also to be expected at this stage in the game, my doctor just really wants me to start paying attention to them a little more. We are both getting very anxious. I know I am beyond ready to be done, but we really pray to last a few more weeks.

Today, my family threw an absolutely fantastic baby shower for me!!  Our children are going to be blessed coming into this world with the love they will receive from these people.


  1. Anonymous6/19/2010

    So glad to hear all is going well, can't believe they are that big already, just think if they were to wait until their due date, which I know is not going to happen. I am sure you are getting more and more uncomfortable, but it will be over soon we hope, but not for a couple more weeks or so. I am anxious to see the pictures. Love and Prayers to all of you. Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Linda and Dale6/19/2010

    WOW!!! You must be eating well and taking care of those babies. I can't believe how much they weigh already. That is sooo awesome. They will be ready to see the world in a couple weeks. They should almost be big enough to come home right away too (we'll pray for that). By the way we didn't expect less than a perfect score considering how blessed the two of you are/have been. Continue to take care of yourself, I'm sure Cody is seeing to that. Can't wait to see the pictures when you get them posted.
