Tuesday, July 13, 2010

10 days and counting

For sure, within the next 10 days, our twins will make their way into this world. At our appointment this morning we set a date of July 23rd to be induced, if the babies don't decide to come before that.

HOLY CRAP...we're going to be parents in less than 10 days!!!!

We did have an ultrasound, which showed both babies moving around like crazy, good breathing movements, and good fluid levels. Unfortunately, they did not get any growth measurements (which apparently was a mistake and didn't really make the doctor very happy either) but that means we didn't get to find out how much they weighed today :(  We were soo disappointed. That's one of the biggest things we look forward to and one of the most asked questions by others. So we apologize for no news in the weight department. They were both still head down, so that's definitely a good sign and hopefully we will stay away from a c-section. Once we do go into labor, they will do one last ultrasound once in the hospital to make sure they have both stayed head down, otherwise we will have to go with plan B. Also, babies are getting so cramped in my uterus that they are literally smashed up against each other....which doesn't allow for any great photo opportunities. Sorry for that too.

At the appointment with the doctor, I am still only 1cm dilated, but my cervix is really starting to thin out. She said we could be wishful thinking with trying to schedule my induction for the 23rd, but it would really be great to make it that long. She also estimates both babies to be well into the 6lb. range. We did get another appointment and ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday. At that time, they will for sure get some growth measurements and give us an idea as to how big these kiddos are getting.

I'll leave you with a few random pictures.....

*babies closet "before"

*babies closet "during"

*babies closet "after"

*another bedroom picture

*car seats are ready to go

*Cody working on putting together the stroller

*just add babies


  1. Anonymous7/13/2010

    Oh can't wait to add the babies. Wish we knew how much they weigh, but just to know they are doing good and in a good position is great. I have been telling everyone they are in the 6 lbs range also, so guess I am a good guesser. Yes, it will be great to be Mom and Dad in a few days, not to soon for you Holli. Was so happy for the visit on Sat, really made my day to see both Moms to be this weekend and also the other little ones on Sun. Love and Prayers for all 4. Grandpa and Grandma

  2. Linda and Dale7/13/2010

    Wow...10 days or less. You've made it to week 36 (well, almost) so that's a good sign...hopefully no NICU. WHOOT WHOOO!!! Lets see if you make it to the next appointment?!?!? How exciting. Glad things are looking good for natural delivery. Can't wait to hear/read more. Looks like all is ready...as you said...just add babies. Take care and as usual, take it easy and rest.

  3. Anonymous7/13/2010

    Glad to hear that the waiting is just about over,SOON we will get to see the little ones.I was telling Gary that they will be here soon and he said when December. I told him that you were NOT waiting until Dec. we will keep watching and praying that they cooperate for a few more days.Gary Char Keyane

  4. Anonymous7/13/2010

    Cute pics! Looks like you gus are all ready, Bring on the babies!! It was so nice to talk to you today ;) We know things will continue to go well for you in your last week, especially labor and delivery!! Crossing our fingers that we get to see you all VERY soon. Get lots of rest...well as much as you can with the anticipation of your new arrivals! Take care loveyous

    Jason Heidi Coby and Baby

  5. Anonymous7/16/2010

    Oh my goodness I'm just giddy with smiles after looking at those pictures! Seeing those little car seats makes it VERY real! I'm going to be an aunt and cannot wait!!! You are going to have such an amazing ride as a parent and you are going to LOVE it! We'll be looking forward to the phone call...I'm going to get Guinness & Khloe packed up the best I can ahead of time! See you soon! Can't wait!!!
    Kris, Khloe, Guinness (and Josh too)
