Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Maybe a change in plans??

After our appointment today, things MIGHT be looking a little different.  We had our ultrasound first, which was honestly not very fun at all. The babies are so big and cramped that it's hard for them to get a decent look at anything they need to look at. Nothing was very clear for us today and it felt as if we weren't even looking at "human beings."  Their measurements are obviously not perfect, but from what they gathered today it looks like baby girl is weighing around 6pounds 11ounces and baby boy is right at 7pounds (give or take a pound)!!!!  Let me say this again....I'm ready to be done carrying them around in my belly!  They had good movement and good breathing patterns, so things looked good on their end.

At my appointment, my blood pressure was a little high when the nurse first took it. We then visited with the doctor, who checked me....I'm about 1 1/2 cm dilated and 90% effaced. At the end of the appointment she wanted the nurse to look at my blood pressure again and for me to collect a urine sample. My blood pressure was once again high and my urine looked abnormal....both signs of preeclampsia. She then sent me down to the lab to do some labwork and also instructions on doing a 24 urine sample. I'll just say, collecting every urine sample for the next 24 hours in a jug and keeping it in my fridge, is not something I'm looking forward to. I have to then bring my sample back tomorrow afternoon and have another blood pressure check. At that time they will determine if I'm developing preeclampsia or not. If I have, which my doctor would completely not be surprised, then they will induce me tomorrow night. If things look normal, we will stick with our Friday morning induction. She did tell us, however, that we should probably come tomorrow with our bags packed!! 

I'm really not panicking as bad as I thought I would be. But I guess we were so close to being done anyway, that it doesn't bother me in the least bit to move it up a day or two. She did tell me I had to be on bedrest the rest of today, which hey, I've handled that pretty well the last couple months! My sister came home and stopped by our house this afternoon and will help get all the "last minute" things ready, so that will be a big help to me.

I'll be sure to let everyone know how tomorrow afternoon goes and what our plan will be from there!!!



  1. Anonymous7/20/2010

    WE ARE SOOO EXCITED TOO! Gotta love those Sisters, they are life savers ;) Cannot wait to hear from you guys tomorrow. Get some rest and we will see all of you VERY soon! Love You

    Jason Heidi Coby and Baby

  2. Linda and Dale7/20/2010

    EXCITING!!!! Can't wait for the next update. The 24 hour urine thing is kind of icky but that will definitely tell them what they need to know as far as the preeclampsia goes. Take it easy and relax as much as you can. Cody...take care of the fam and we will pray that you don't have to drive a pregnant woman, in labor, all the way to Sioux Falls. Keep us posted.

  3. Anonymous7/20/2010

    Oh it is getting wayyyyyy to exciting, I can hardly sleep anymore just thinking about them arriving. You should not be to nervous at this point as far as them arriving they are such a nice size. Cody stay calm, I think Holli is going to be fine, not to sure about you. haha. I am sure you will both do fine. Our prayers will be with you that maybe you will even go on your own before Friday after the poke around. Fun to have Kris with you through the last minute things. We will be waiting for the news. Love you all Grandma and Grandpa
