Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7th

Another week down. We've made it to 35 weeks. I know for the babies well being we want to keep them in as long as possible. But this mama is ready to be done!!

  (please forgive the look....this is what you get when you can't spend more than a few minutes at a time standing and hang out on the couch all day....nothing done to the hair, no makeup, and even still in my pajama pants)

As many of you know, the month of July has huge meaning for us. It was 5 years ago, on this very day, that our world turned upside down. We were happy, free-spirited, naive, 23/24 year olds. And on July 7th, 2005 we had to grow up in a major hurry. Cody was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Almost 3 weeks later we  found out he had stage III brain cancer. Our month of July was filled with doctors, neurologists, neurosurgeons, oncologists, appointments, road trips, surgeries, hospitals, and PRAYERS. At the time, Cody was given a prognosis of 3-5 years to live. So needless to say, five years later, ....HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD?!?

We also get to celebrate our 4 year anniversary tomorrow as well as Cody's 29th birthday at the end of the month. Oh yeah, and one more thing we get to add to our miraculous month of July....the birth of our babies. Just one more thing to be thankful for. Last year at this time we didn't know if God was even going to allow us to build our family, and here we are about to double in size. We have so many things to be grateful for and we try not to take one second of it all for granted!!


  1. What an awesome story! Thanks so much for sharing. You look fantastic and are soooo close!

    You're right...God is sooo good!

  2. Linda and Dale7/07/2010

    AMEN!!! You have a lot to be thankful for and thank God everyone is happy and healthy. You guys are sooooo blessed. You do look great even in the jammy pants (you can't tell by the way). Those babies know where it's safe and they know it's best to stay there for as long as possible. Lets just hope all the pain and uncomfortableness (is that a word?) is the only trouble they are going to cause once they arrive. Continue to take care of yourself and those babies. We will keep watching the blog and wait to hear any news. Happy 4th Anniversary to both of you and MANY MORE happy and healthy years.

  3. Anonymous7/08/2010

    Yes I thank God everyday for his blessedness. I too remembered yesterday how stressful it was 5 years ago, but does make us realize we take things for granted. Happy anniversary, know you are very uncomfortable, but you are doing a good job of keeping our babies safe for a little longer. I finished their afghans night before last so I am ready whenever. I too keep watching a couple of times a day to see if there is any news. Love and prayers to all 4 Grandma and Grandpa
