Friday, July 30, 2010

Some pictures since we've been home...

Kenley getting ready to be discharged from the NICU

We made it home!!

mom and Kaden

Kaden taking a break from the biliblanket and trying to capture some "natural sunlight".

Dad and the two new loves of his life :)

hangin' out

ready for bed

Kenley and Kaden with their cousin Khloe (4months)


  1. Anonymous7/30/2010

    They get cuter every day, hope all is going well,love you all, give them hugs and kisses

    Grandma and

  2. DARLING!! LoVE THEM SO MUCH!! ;) Glad to see everyone is doing well. I couldnt help but notice the blanket they were laying on on the floor, it was made with love for those precious little cherubs! I cannot believe how big Khloe looks lying next to them...they are all too cute together! Cannot wait, in a few short months we will be saying how big the two of them look next to Baby C. Take care and have a wonderful weekend, love you guys!

  3. Anonymous8/01/2010

    Oh my goodness, Khloe looks SO HUGE! I love the pic of Kenley in the looks like she's waving and saying "Yep, I'm getting outta here today, no biggie." Too precious! I know you are busy but keep the pictures coming! :)
    Auntie Kristal

  4. Anonymous8/02/2010

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the pictures!!!!! We're so happy to see that you all are doing so great! What an adorable picture of Cody holding both of them! Thinking of you and hoping that you're getting some sleep!!
    Jeff and Em

  5. Linda and Dale8/02/2010

    I just don't know what to say that has not already been said. They are BEAUTIFUL!!! I am having a hard time not driving over to see you but I know you've had a lot of company and I don't want to add to that. Someday though I'm going to call and see if I can come and bring supper or something. Take care and don't over do and get too exhausted. ((Hugs)) to all of you.

  6. Anonymous8/03/2010

    Holli and Cody,
    Congratulations on your two beautiful babies! I am so happy that they are home safely. I've been thinking of you a lot; haven't wanted to bother you as you are adjusting to life at home. Please let me know if you need anything... I would be happy to come watch them and give you a little respite. Congratulations again!

