Thursday, August 5, 2010

2 weeks

My oh my, how time flies!! We are starting to get settled into a routine here, but boy can these babies keep you busy. Not all the time, but when they want to gang up on you they can come out in full force! Cody took time off of work to be home with us the first week. That time went super fast. We felt a little shorted on time especially because we weren't even all home until Tuesday. The rest of the week was filled with appointments and we felt like we were always running. This week, Cody went back to work and my mom was able to come and stay to help out for the whole week....what a blessing!  I don't know what I'm going to do come Monday and I'm at it all by myself.

Kenley is our rockstar. She is such a good little baby. She eats like a champ, burps like a champ, poops like a champ, and sleeps like a champ. She is a very content girl. Kaden appears to be a little more unsettled. We don't quite have him figured out yet. But they are both bringing us so much joy it is unbelievable. We still can't believe these are our children. Our very own little miracles. God has changed our lives in an amazing way. We love them soo much!!

At 2 weeks, these are our little pukin'/poopin' machines. It wasn't even worth keeping their clothes on. We had gone through several outfits and MANY diapers before they both got their jobs done :)

nap time, soo precious!

grandma enjoying some Kenley snuggles

Tummy Time
Our little Kaden man has a pretty floppy head. Surprisingly he tolerates tummy time well.

Kenley girl enjoying some tummy time

Kaden trying out his bouncy seat...I think he liked it.


  1. Anonymous8/05/2010

    BEAUTIFUL..... that should be the only thing I have to say, but it isn`t. You are so blessed. Again if you need anything I`d be happy to help that`s what family is for. Lots of love to you and Cody & tons of snuggles for those two beautiful blessings! Dareth & Alyse

  2. Linda and Dale8/06/2010

    Thanks again for the update and most importantly the pictures. You do such a great job updating. I had to laugh when I was reading you update. I thought I had posted some time ago that Baby A (Kenley) was going to be the laid back one and Baby B (Kaden) was going to be a hand full. TOO FUNNY! Hope you are feeling ok Holli and getting some rest this week, while your mom is there. I'm sure Cody is and will continue to be home as much as he can during the day. Like Dareth said...if you need anything just call. That's what family is for. Take care and hugs to all of you!

  3. Anonymous8/06/2010

    Oh Cody and Holli, they are so precious!! Can't wait to come see them sometime. Hope to see you all soon!!!
    Lots of love-
    Jeff and Emily

  4. Anonymous8/06/2010

    What beautiful babies Holli! And so quiet!!!!! We have been talking about you and the babies at work. Everyone is so excited for you and Cody. Cherish your two blessed ones. Let us know when you're ready for company!!!

    Mary P.
