Sunday, August 15, 2010

Is this for real??

So this morning I'm standing in front of the mirror doing my hair and something catches my eye....gray hairs....not just one, but several! No, they are not being bashful and hiding underneath, but rather sticking right out on the top. Yikes!! I showed Cody when he got out of the shower and sure enough, they are for real. Is this what happens after only 3 weeks with twins and countless sleepless nights?? We had our friends over for the day and nobody said anything about them, so I am hoping they are just really polite friends or they maybe don't stick out to everyone else as much as they do to me!

On to my babies...............they are amazing, beautiful, little miracles. I kiss them everyday and shed a tear in the aweness of them both. I'm struggling a little bit with Kaden though. He seems so uncomfortable, so often. When he is not sleeping he is often fussing or will bust out in the most horrific cry as if I just slammed his fingers in the door. I have made an appointment with the pediatrician in Sioux Falls on Tuesday just to touch base with some concerns I've been having. Hopefully we can get this little guy figured out.

For those of you who are not on Facebook, here are some pictures my sister took of the kids at 3 weeks:


  1. Linda and Dale8/15/2010

    I absolutely love these pictures. I have to admit that I have shared them with everyone I see. I also have to tell you that the one of the two of them is now on my desk top of my work computer. Hope you don't mind my bragging/sharing them with everyone. I can't help being a proud great aunt. You guys deserve these little people and a very happy, health life for MANY years to come. Now that the Relay is over and I may have more time, we may give you a call and come and visit sometime soon. Take care. Hugs to all of you.

  2. Anonymous8/16/2010

    These pictures are amazing & make them look like dolls!
    I just want to squeeze them!
    Dareth & Alyse

  3. Anonymous8/16/2010

    Hey Holli!-
    I definitely didn't notice any gray hairs yesterday! I did notice that you looked fabulous though!! I know that I told you that yesterday, but just wanted to make sure I got my point across!! Kenley and Kaden are both so sweet and I cannot wait to squeeze on them some more!
