Friday, August 27, 2010

I heart Mommy-Hood

Ok, I know, I know. I totally stink at this whole blogging thing. SORRY!

We hit the 5 week mark yesterday and the only thing I can think about is....I'm already half done with my maternity leave! In just 5 more short weeks, I will be back at work, without my children. The dreaded "D-Day" is fast approaching.....DAYCARE...and it does not set well with my stomach, putting me in tears almost the whole day yesterday.

Here are a few random thoughts and pictures to give you a better look inside our daily lives:

*I feel like we are constantly feeding.
*We use about 15-18 bottles a day ~ give or take a few
*The first few weeks, the babies were eating about every 4 hours, which wasn't too bad of a schedule. Now they are needing to eat a little more frequently. They are now eating about every 3 hours. During the day, they are like alarm clocks, waking exactly every 3 hours. They can usually last a little longer during the night.
*During the night feedings Cody and I both get up, change and feed a baby. During the day when I'm by myself, I have to do feedings back to back...which, I'll be honest, can get a little hairy at times! By the time I change both of them, get both of them fed, and burped (which, if you know Kaden, can be a little time consuming) it takes me just over an hour. That doesn't leave much time in between feedings to get a whole lot accomplished, before we are at it again!
*Each of them are on separate formula. We go through 2 cans of formula in just under a week.

*If we're not feeding, we're changing diapers!!
*we go through approximately 20 diapers a day, not counting the unexpected "blow-outs" or catch-you-off-guard-free-for-all-pee-sessions, in which we might use a few extra. A box of diapers lasts us about 4 days.
*my baby girl has grown out of newborn diapers and has moved on to size 1 (sniff, sniff)

*Kaden has been on Prevacid, for his reflux, for this past week. He is tolerating this much better than the Prilosec. It's a pill that he gets once a day, but we crush it between our fingers and then drop the little particles on his tongue. It must not taste too bad because he usually starts munching away the second I put it in his mouth. I'd like to say I'm noticing an improvement, but it could take a couple weeks to really see a difference. But for now, it's working.

*In terms of whining-fussing-crying, they feed off of each other. When one starts in the other usually is close behind. They can tolerate many sources of noise without even flinching, but if one of them grunts, then the other one has to grunt. If one of them starts to fuss, the other one starts to fuss. If one of them starts to cry, the other one starts to cry. Not always, but's actually rather amazing!!

*It's tough work growing into such a big wears him out :)

*One of the many faces of Kenley. (please excuse the blue was the first one I grabbed out of the drawer. Ooops)


***Aren't they getting big??  They are changing every single day. Literally over night I can see a difference in them.
LOVE      LOVE     LOVE  them!!


  1. Linda and Dale8/27/2010

    It's hard to believe they are 5 weeks old already. I'm know I didn't have to tell you that. They are getting so big. I can't wait to meet them for real tomorrow. Excited to see all of you. Lots of hugs to all 4 of you. See you tomorrow.

  2. Anonymous8/27/2010

    OMG,they are getting sooo big,it brings tears to your eyes nowing that soon they will be 6 month and so on.Keyane will be 5 at the end of the month and that is hard to beleive also.Can't wait until tomarrow (sat)to see the little Finke kids.CUTE CUTE CUTE is about all you can say.gary char and keyane

  3. Oh. My. Goodness. I honestly saw them 6 days ago and cannot believe how different they look...especially Kaden. He's filled out a LOT. Give them kisses for me today & have a super shower. I miss them (and you & Cody) SO MUCH!
    Love, auntie Kris

  4. Anonymous8/28/2010

    Keep the pictures coming....we check often at school :) They are getting SO big....Take care..
