Thursday, August 19, 2010

4 weeks

Time flies when you're having fun, right? Where in the world have the last four weeks gone? I have a feeling I'm going to be saying this every week....but, I can't believe our babies are already 4 weeks old!! We are staying busy but things are going well.

Kenley livin' the life :)

He's getting so big!

Kaden had an appointment on Tuesday and the doctor feels that he's probably experiencing some reflux. He prescriped him Prilosec....1/2 of a teaspoon, twice a day, which I am to mix into his formula. Apparently this child can tell when I have mixed a half of a teaspoon of medicine into four ounces of milk. He absolutely refuses the bottle and makes the most disgusted face. Unbelievable!! So I thought I would be tricky and cut down to 1/4 of a teaspoon and give it to him four times a day....NOPE!  He still won't take it. I mix him a new bottle with no medicine in it and he drinks it right down. We've wasted a lot of formula trying to get him to take this medicine. I've given up. Maybe we can try something different, but for now, the Prilosec appears not to be an option.


  1. Anonymous8/19/2010

    OMG MR Kaden has really filled out watch out Kenly he is catching up to you. Your right Holli can't beleive that they are already 4 wks old.This next year will just fly by as they seem to change a little each day and pretty soon they are a year old. Appreciate the little things as I know that you both do.Can't wait to see them.
    hugs and kisses gary char keyane

  2. Sarah Price8/20/2010

    Hey Holli -
    I just wanted to offer a suggestion - ask your pediatrician if you could try Prevacid - instead of Prilosec. We had the same issue with our youngest when he was little - he hated Prilosec - we had to resort to dropping it directly in his mouth so he would get it down - mind you he screamed the whole time. Our pediatrician switched us to Previcid and it must taste better or something (you can also get it flavored at the pharmacy) but he took that straight from the dropper without any troubles and it worked awesome - he was a comepletely different baby! Just a suggestion - as we've been there with the Prilosec!

  3. Holli Finke8/20/2010

    Thanks Sara! I talked to our doctor today about it and they are going to try Prevacid with him...hopefully it'll work better. It's supposedly not a liquid though. I guess it's a tablet that we have to crush between our fingers and then drop the powdery particles onto his tongue (at least he won't be able to spit this out!) I appreciate your advice :)

  4. Anonymous8/20/2010

    Can't believe your little ones are already 4 weeks. Time does fly by doesn't it. The kids enjoy looking at Kenley and Kaden's pictures. Can't wait to meet them.
    The Hunter
    Matt, Angela, Cala, Jake, Ella, and Landan

  5. Sarah Price8/23/2010

    Holli - you are totally right - Previcid was a tablet that we dissolved in water (we put it in a shot glass and stirred until dissolved) and then spoon fed it to him - seems like so long ago I have already forgotten! I think it was the Prilosec we tried to flavor and it was still gross - I even tased it. Good luck - BTW - your kiddos are adorable!
