Sunday, June 14, 2015

the tough stuff

the kids and i are staying in Brandon another night, as i have a much needed appointment tomorrow. i have had a rough night tonight and the kids saw me crying. as we were outside sending daddy off, kenley looks at me and says "mom, do you think we should pray?"


so there i sat with my three babies on the steps of the patio, and we prayed our hearts out.

it was then bath time. i was running the water when she came running in and wrapped her arms around my leg. "mommy, i think you are going to be alright."  "i just want to take care of you and daddy."  what an amazing little girl.

we had the discussion with them this past week. they are old enough we have to be honest with them (as honest as 4 year olds can handle), yet they don't quite understand it all. but the part that breaks my heart the most is the fact that they do feel our pain. even if we try to hide it, they can see the pain we are in and those precious beings just want to make it all better.

and because of those precious beings, we had to have some serious discussions this weekend. apparently when you are 23, you think you are invincible. but 10 years, a marriage, and three kids later we want there to be no questions unanswered.

and as gross as those conversations were, they were necessary.

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