Sunday, June 28, 2015

our first night at home didn't go as well as planned. we got home mid afternoon and cody went straight to bed. he was up shortly after 7pm and we were just chatting as he was laying in bed. he looks at me and says "i think I've been having seizures."  say what?!?  next we played 20 questions and i tried to get as much information out of him as i possibly could (without making him feel like i was drilling or attacking's a fine line we have play around).  apparently he's been having them the whole week while still in the hospital. i told him i thought he should get up and get outside for a little walk. while we were walking, he had one. if he wouldn't have stopped and told me about it, i probably wouldn't have been able to see it. but he gets super dizzy, a strong taste in his mouth and a little confused/"out of it."  it only lasts for a couple of minutes. after our walk he wanted dairy queen.  we drove to Worthington for blizzard and straight back home.

i called the neurosurgeons service in Rochester. i was to give him a double dose of his seizure medication and get him to the emergency room to be observed. thankfully i hadn't unpacked our bags yet, and back in the car they went. we got to Sioux falls shortly after 10:00pm.

lab work looked good. a head CT scan was compared to the one from Mayo and that also showed nothing alarming. the neurologist in Sioux falls suggested to continue the double dose of seizure medication per day and follow up with a neurology appointment. we were then on our way.

we were back in Brandon around 2:00am and crashed. we are hoping to get a good night sleep soon!! i think we're due :)

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