Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The prayers are coming in! Codys CT scan didn't look abnormal. They saw no bleeding (which is a huge blessing!!). It did show swelling, which of course is to be expected. That is what they are figuring was causing the seizures. He is intubated and sedated. He is not however completely sedated. And he does NOT like that tube down his throat! They do not want to sedate him so much that they can't get Neuro checks on him. They want him to be moving some when they try to arouse him. In between times, we like it best when he's comfortably resting. They have had to tie both of his hands down as he keeps grabbing at his breathing tube.

Earlier tonight when he was having his seizures, he also stopped moving his left side. He could squeeze with his right hand and wiggle his right toes, but nothing on the left. They also assumed that was from the swelling and would only be temporary paralysis. Within the last hour or so and given steroids, he has started moving that left side again!!

It has been a tremendously long day here today and we're hoping to have a peaceful night. I have my chair pulled right up across from his bed. With the lack of sleep lately, I'm thinking my body will have to crash at some point. Maybe tonight I will get some rest :)

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