Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Cody had a pretty uneventful night. He did spike a temp, but that was resolved with lowering the room temperature and some ice packs under the arms. He was pretty heavily sedated through the night. This morning they tried lowering the medication in order to get him somewhat responsive and attempt neuro exams. He is pretty darn ticked at that breathing tube. When the sedation is lowered he is very aggitated, so they have to increase it again to keep him comfortable.

A post-op MRI is always completed and the surgeon felt it would be safest to attempt it this morning while Cody was still intubated and asleep. After that they are going to try extubating him. Because of the heavy sedation medication during the night, they say he could be pretty loopy and confused today. We can handle loopy, we just don't want to see any more seizures.

I also realized last night that I didn't post how the surgery turned out. The surgeon felt like he was able to get a good resection of the tumor that was there. But it appeared as if the boundaries (the little fingers spreading into good brain tissue) had expanded. Just looking under the microscope he felt it looked pretty aggressive, but won't say for certain until he has the pathology report written in front of him. We will take that as it comes.

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