Thursday, June 25, 2015

Another good night and good morning. His face is extremely swollen today and will continue to get worse before it gets better. So far this morning Cody has gotten his head dressing off, drain tube out, arterial line out, and catheter out. They got him out of bed and into a chair for breakfast. Hes liking the changing of positions. The plan for today is to move him out of ICU. Right now we're waiting for a room to open up.

The surgeon was also in this morning. He said he had talked to the pathologist but will not giving us the diagnosis until it's written in the report. He will likely have that for us this afternoon. After visiting with Cody, he had me follow him out into the hall. He told me that the tumor looks highly malignant and wanted to prepare us for what they will tell Cody this afternoon. Cody is going to need all the support he can get.

We knew. We all already knew. It's not going to make it any easier but we have all prepared ourselves for this.

The amount of support we have behind us is incredible.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/25/2015

