Tuesday, July 7, 2015

we finally made it back home to Brewster today and it feels great. with the exception of the few hours we were home on the day of discharge, we haven't been here since june 21st.

two weeks after surgery, this is what's going on:

head pain:  pain continues to be significant. it's not getting any worse but it doesn't appear to be getting any better either. I spoke with the surgeon's nurse today and they are going to try another prescription for pain medication.
back pain:  still having pain in his lower back, butt, and down his hamstrings. although in the last couple of days, this has visibly improved. he is moving with more ease. he continues to seek treatment for herniated disc.
seizures:  under control with the dosage change of seizure medication.
energy:  none.  he spends most of the day in bed. if he does get up, it's for short periods of time and he shortly finds his way back to the bed.
appetite:  not great. he will not ask for anything or eat anything on his own. if you dish a plate up for him, he will typically eat it.
sleep:  this is another area of frustration for him. with his pain, he struggles to find a comfortable position. he has usually been awake around 2am simply not able to sleep anymore.
activity level:  none. his biggest activities involve showering or moving from the house to the car to get to appointments.
incision site:  looks great. will plan on removing staples within the week.
attitude:  crabby, but I can still get a smile out of him.

10 years ago, cody had absolutely nothing to complain about. he had a smooth recovery and quickly returned to all his normal activities. this time, he is struggling. and it's thoroughly annoying him that he can't do the things that he wants to do.

also, we are still waiting to hear from oncology in sioux falls. i've made multiple contacts, but we have yet to hear of an appointment time.

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