Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cody and I are both very quiet people and don't like to draw a lot of attention to ourselves. It is hard for us both to comprehend the support and outpouring of love we have seen from family and friends, and even people we don't know, through this time. We have our family and our close knit group of friends, but otherwise we aren't well known. My entire life, I've been accused of "being stuck up" or "being better than everyone else" simply because I am shy. Cody and I are both so very similar in this way. This is why we are in absolute awe at the messages, meals, donations, help and support that we are receiving. We are truly humbled by it all.

And THANK YOU to those that continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. Although the fast pace and shock of the initial surgery and diagnosis is over, our struggles and fears will continue tomorrow, next week, next month...

I am guilty for not responding to every email, Facebook message, text, phone call, etc. but that in no way means that every single one doesn't touch my heart in one way or another. You all are amazing. And even if Cody and I like to keep to ourselves and think we can take this on alone, we are smart enough to know that it is through all of the prayers and encouraging words of YOU, that are helping carry us through.

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