Thursday, July 23, 2015

Five years ago today, I had been a mommy for just over 24 hours. And this guy was a proud daddy.
But, he was scared to death. I was struggling in the operating room with significant hemorrhaging and Kenley was taken to the NICU after she stopped breathing.  He was our rock. He successfully juggled between taking care of Kaden and myself and getting to the NICU to help with Kenley as much as possible.
You see, that's the thing. Cody has always been the rock of our family and has always taken care of all of us.  I can do hard things, but I can't do it without him. I can't stand strong without him. He is how I get through each day. HE helps me be brave.
Spending time together as a family and creating memories is THE most important thing I have right now. And yesterday, July 22nd, we did just that. We took the afternoon to celebrate the twins' birthday by going to Okoboji. It was a day we couldn't have created any more perfectly. My heart was happy.

Cody went back to work for a few hours three days this week. He's been worn out every day, and the heat isn't helping. Since starting the melatonin, he has been sleeping (a little) better.
Sanford has been helping us remain in the loop with Duke. They received Cody's pre-op and post-op MRI's this week, but are requesting more records. Cody and I spent most of the morning trying to get the right information from Mayo released to the Brain Tumor Center at Duke.

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