Thursday, July 2, 2015

here is a quick update:

-we didn't last long at the campground tuesday night. cody had a horrible night and we were out of there by 10:00 the next morning (with no plans of going back). we'll see what the weekend brings.
-today we met with the neurologist, as a follow up to the seizures. he ordered an EEG that cody was able to do right away following his appointment. we will also monitor his seizures for the next week to determine possible dosage/medication changes. from what cody describes, the dr. feels like what he's experiencing would be classified as complex partial seizures. it is likely cody will be on anti-seizure medications the rest of his life.
-the neurologist also ordered an mri for cody's back. thankfully we were able to get that in as well this afternoon. it was nice to get it all done in one day, but cody is definitely worn out tonight. he showered and went straight to bed.

although the day was busy, we left with no new answers. here's to hoping something gets figured out soon.

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