Sunday, May 27, 2012

we {do not} have a pooper on our hands!

Baby Paxton does not like to poop. Which can be a good thing and a bad thing. He has only been going about every 5 days or so. Which is good, because who likes to change dirty diapers? But it's bad because when he does go, he has a HUGE blowout. This kid was covered from head to toe last night, taking the efforts of three-gagging-grown-adults to clean him up and an outfit that went straight into the trash!

I love everything about this new baby in our lives. He is totally fulfilling my baby fever, with his soft hair against my cheeks, the snuggles into my chest, his squeeks and grunts letting me know he's hungry, the contorted facial expressions that make me giggle, and the arm and leg movements that remind me of when he was in my tummy...I could have 12 more of these :)

I think we have another paci-lover on our hands. Paxton loves to have his paci in his mouth and has a pretty strong suck. The one he came home from the hospital with was the exact one that we just took away from Kenley a short time ago. We were having some issues with this, so we decided to get him some different colored ones and it seems to have done the trick.

Kaden and Kenley love helping out with the baby. They always think he has to have his paci in his mouth, love to help give him his bottle, love to tickle his tummy, and think they need to poke his eyes out.

Paxton is eating 2.5 ounces at a time. During the day, he eats anywhere between 2-4 hours. He is doing really well sleeping at night. We are getting up to feed him only once during the night and that's it!

This post-partum sh*t is for the birds!! A friend of mine put it greatly... the Lord gives you such a miracle after giving birth, you would certainly think he could perform a miracle with the healing of your body!  To say that I've been a little emotional would be an understatement. I am pumping and bottle feeding, but I absolutely hate pumping! My boobs are soo sore, I cringe just thinking about the next time I have to pump and in between I feel like I'm going to explode everytime the kids crawl on me throwing themselves into my chest. And although it's getting better, my bottom cannot heal fast enough and it's getting the best of me!

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