Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I'm surviving!

It's naptime and so far we've all survived the first half of the day!

Cody started his new "summer hours" this morning. He is starting an hour earlier and getting home an hour earlier (which I think I'm going to love). So he left the house about 6:30 this morning.

The rest of us slept until about 7:40, when I heard Kaden whining around in his crib. I threw myself out of bed, went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, sat out a bottle for Paxton (since it was getting close to the time he would need to eat again too), and pumped. The kids were now just chatting in their room, so I just needed the baby to keep sleeping and everyone would be good! After pumping, I grabbed the kids out of their bed and changed their diapers, just as Paxton started to scream. I changed his diaper and gave him a bottle, just as the kids were hanging on their highchairs wanting to "eat." The succession of things were working out well :)

Paxton has been going through this thing where he just doesn't seem happy after he eats a bottle. He can't decide if he wants to be awake or asleep, swaddled or unswaddled, held or laying out, paci or no paci. It's been taking him a while to get settled and hopefully we'll all figure it out shortly.

Daddy came home for lunch and gave me a chance to get into the shower. Other than that I've been busy with dishes (seriously this breast pump really should come with multiple sets of parts...washing everything every.single.time is getting very old!), laundry, bills, making and rescheduling appointments, and pumping. Now the kids are taking a nap and I'm waiting for Paxton to get up and eat.

Ahh...it's soo quiet in here!!

I'll leave you with this picture, just because I can't get enough of it. It melts my heart every time I look at it :)

(I can't wait to get my hands on the rest of his newborn pictures. I love this little guy!!)

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