Thursday, May 31, 2012

goodbye inhalers

This morning the kids had their appointment with the Pulmonologist. They've been doing very well in the "lung department."  They only had a few colds this winter, which they tolerated nicely. Kaden only had one episode of wheezing, but other than that their lungs have been in good shape. The dr. felt confident today that we could stop their inhalers all together and see how things go once we enter fall and winter.  OK!!  I certainly didn't have a problem with that!!

As you've heard me mention before, Kenley dealt with her horrible diaper rash for 4 months before her pediatrician thought about the possibility of it coming from her inhaler. The pulmonologist said it was unlikely that her inhaler caused it, but things can certainly happen. I on the other hand, don't just think it was coincidence that we couldn't find a single thing to fix this rash for 4 months, and then when I take her off of her inhaler she clears up in a week! Just call me Dr. Holli :)

Cody is already out of sick days so any time he takes off he has to take unpaid. I haven't been brave enough (up to this point) to take both kids to appointments by myself. But we talked it over and thought I should give it a try. I only had a couple of times where both kids were having a tantrum at the same time, or running the halls in opposite directions...but for the most part they did awesome!

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