Friday, February 3, 2012

18 months

How the heck have we reached 18 months already?!?

The kids had their well baby check on Wednesday. Here are some highlights of our visit:

Weight: 24lbs. 13oz. (30th percentile)
Height: 32 inches (38th percentile)

Weight: 30lbs 10oz. (98th percentile)
Height: 32 inches (60th percentile)

*routine health check

*routine health check

*Flovent Inhaler
*Albuterol Inhaler
*Albuterol Nebulizer
*antibiotic eye drops

*Flovent Inhaler
*Albuterol Inhaler
*antibiotic eye drops

*They both rocked in their development scores...except for their communication, which was once again the lowest, barely reaching the cut-off. MADDENING!!

*They really are saying a lot more words, you just have to listen closely for them. They are not imitating, or maybe they are just refusing to imitate. And they are not yet putting words together, unless you call "uh-uh-uh-uh-uh" a phrase :) If you hear them say something, it's simply because you caught it. I've started writing their words down so that I can really prove to myself that they do have some, rather than thinking they have nothing.

*On paper, Kaden is actually slightly ahead on his development, even though the dr. says girls typically develop faster than boys. I think Kenley is too stubborn to show us what she can really do :)

*They were supposed to get shots, however because they were not feeling well, they held off. Now I have to bring them in at a later date to get vaccinated.

*I think we were in the tiniest, HOTTEST, room in the entire clinic. We were all sweating!

*Kaden pooped 3 times in the hour we were there.

*Our Pediatrician can actually talk like Donald Duck...the kids were mesmerized.

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