Sunday, February 5, 2012

18 month schedule

Here is what 18 months looks like around our house. It doesn't vary significantly from our previous schedules...let's just say we like our routines around here :)

I've always said...our routine works great when we're on, but when we are off, it's a BAD BAD thing!

5:30am Mommy wakes up for the day

6:10am Daddy wakes up for the day

6:15/6:20ish Daddy wakes the kids up. I lay their clothes out, but then Cody changes their diapers and gets them dressed. They are typically crabby in the morning and typically throw screaming fits all while this is taking place.

6:30am the kids get in their highchairs for a "small snack" and some milk (something that will tide them over until breakfast at daycare).

When they get out of their chairs, they both get their Flovent inhalers and then their teeth brushed (something they continue to fight us on EVERY.SINGLE.DAY)

**right now because they are sick, their Flovent inhalers are followed by their Albuterol inhalers (which makes things even worse) and also their eye drops (which really puts the tantrums into full gear!)

7:00am coats on and start loading the car. Depending on the morning, it varies whether or not they will throw a fit getting into their car seats. The screaming, however, can usually be taken care of with a rousing rendition of "Do Lord" (although sometimes it does take two rounds).

7:15/7:20ish drop the kids off at daycare

7:30am start my work day

3:40pm pick up the kids from daycare. More often than not they have a tantrum trying to get them into their carseats (are you seeing a pattern here?)

4:00pm home, playtime, mommy has a snack that usually has to be shared, attempting to think about getting dinner started, starting dinner, and anything else I feel so motivated to get done.

5:00 daddy home from work YAYYY!!!  This is the kids' (and mine) favorite time of the day! They love their daddy so much and both can't get enough of him when he gets home. This is the time I can get them off of my legs for two seconds to usually finish up dinner.

5:30ish dinner time, clean up, wash dishes, play time, get organized for bath/bed time

6:30ish bath time, followed by screaming while trying to get pajamas on, and then a bedtime bottle

7:00pm bed time. Although, most often anymore, they are both in bed and asleep BEFORE 7:00 (it's awesome!)

*The kids are down to one nap a day while at daycare. Typically on the weekends though, Kenley still often gets two naps.

*They have become very picky eaters and at times hardly even eat anything. It makes meal planning very challenging. They love their milk though!

*Kenley wears size 24 month/2T clothes, Kaden wears 12-18/18-24 month clothes

*Kenley wears size 5/6 diapers, Kaden wears size 4/5 diapers

*Kenley continues to be extremely attached to her pacifier. I just don't seem to have the heart to take it away from her.

*Kenley has become a HUGE bully!!  It's driving us crazy. She will "attack" just completely out of the blue. We have started putting her in time-out and she does not like it one bit!

*Kaden is a sneaky toy thief. He often slowly walks up to Kenley and just tries to quietly take whatever she has in her hands away from her. When he does it though, he usually has something else in his hand to offer in exchange. Kenley doesn't always fall for it though and then things can get a little heated.

*They are typically good at sharing...AS LONG AS THERE'S TWO OF SOMETHING! It's pretty sweet to watch them make sure the other one has something. But, if there is only one, then it's usually a fight.

*Kaden is the biggest copy-cat around! He has to do absolutely everything that Kenley does. If Kenley walks by and touches the wall, Kaden will have to walk by and touch the same wall. If Kenley trips and falls on accident, Kaden will have to purposefully throw himself to the floor. It's rather humorous!

*They are both very much making their way into the terrible two's and testing our limits in every way possible. Cody and I are literally exhausted at the end of the night after they go to bed from all the tantrums, screaming, fighting, and not listening. I know it's their age and we will get through it, but it sure is tough right now!

Although 18 months is a challenging time, they continue to amaze us every single day. They are getting so funny and so smart, it's just fun to sit back and watch. The non-tantrum-throwing-times are absolutely amazing and I can't get enough of these two! The kisses they give at the end of the night while tucking them into bed make it all worth it :) Our God is an awesome God, and while there may be 100 things that make me want to cry, there are 1,000 things that make me smile!!

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