Friday, June 25, 2010

33 weeks 2 days

I had my weekly appointment this morning. I must admit, with getting this close to the end it's always nice to have a check in with the doctor so frequently. For my first appointment they hooked me up to the fetal monitors, to check heart rates and activity level. They want to make sure babies are moving (which I could have solidly confirmed without the monitors) but then they also want to make sure there are accelerations in their heart rate when they are more active. Baby boy passed with flying colors (which he is probably the more active one...or at least I can feel him more than I can feel his sister). Baby girl needed some pretty good stimulation in order to get her wound up enough to satisfy them. But all in all, everything looked great. It also documented some pretty good contractions I was having at the time.

After that appointment was my regular OB appointment. Ideally she would love me to go another 2 and 1/2 weeks, just to get them to the 36 week stage. Because any baby born before 36 weeks will automatically go into the NICU, and we would just LOVE for them to stay out!! If I can't make it to 36 weeks, she at least wants me to last another 5 days. In 5 days I will be at 34 weeks and it's at that point that if I went into labor they would not stop me. They would still try to stop my labor if I went within the next 5 days. She checked my cervix today and I am not dialated at all. I am starting to "thin out" but that is to be expected. We also discussed my contractions. I am fairly consistently having contractions for periods of time throughout the day. When I'm experiencing them, they are about 6 to 10 minutes apart and will last approximately an hour to an hour and a half. But once they are gone, they are gone for a while. This too is considered normal and we should not start to worry yet. Cody on the other hand, he starts to worry when I ask him to start writing down times. I don't think he's ready for the babes to be here quite yet!

My next appointment is next Thursday. Hopefully it will be an exact repeat of how well today went and we can last another few weeks.

My feet are asking to be elevated about now. All of this heat and being on them so much today they are pretty swollen. I will do my job and get myself to the couch and I hope all of you have yourselves a FABULOUS weekend!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

for the love of pictures...

*these are the only two ultrasound pictures we got this time around. this picture is angled so you can see both of their heads looking down from the top. baby girl is on the right and baby boy is on the left. they both look to be in about the same position, however baby girl is MUCH lower than baby boy!

*here is baby girl. she is looking off to the left with her hand right up by her mouth. our little man absolutely would not cooperate that day so we got nothing on him....stubborn little guy.

*here I am at 32 weeks and 4 days. when I look at myself before putting a shirt on...I honestly don't know what is holding those babies in there. they look like they could just fall right out the bottom!

*cody starting to work on putting together the cribs

*fully assembled cribs

*this is not exactly the arrangement I was hoping for, but the room is just too small and this is really the most functional setup we could come up with.

*this picture shows my sleeping arrangement that I've been using for the past several weeks. 3 pillows and 2 blankets arranged just perfectly and I sleep like a baby...only for about an hour though until it's time to get up and use the bathroom!!

*this is my attempt to prove to Cody document how many times in a night that I have to get up and use the bathroom. so I decided to keep a note pad in the bathroom and write down the time every time I was up. this is a pretty typical night. needless to say, i'm not getting a whole lot of quality sleep before the babies arrive :(

*as you all know, we have been working on replacing our interior doors and trim. this is the "before" picture of our old/ugly doors

*"after" picture of the new closet doors and doors

*LOVE them!!

*of course, we still have all of the casing and baseboard to get done yet. remember, slowly but surely!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Holy Babies!!!

**We have been having problems with our internet again, so no pictures today...I'm lucky to even be able to get on here and type something. So I'll be quick before it kicks me off.  I'll post pictures soon, I promise!

My appointment yesterday went very well. It started with an ultrasound, which was probably our quickest ever. They did a bio-physical and wanted look at the babies breathing, their movement, and my fluid levels. Both babies scored a perfect score! Oh yeah, and they've gained a little bit of weight too since the last time we saw them. Baby boy now weighs 4lbs 14oz. and his sister is whooping up on him a little bit now weighing in at a whopping 5lbs 4oz. I can't believe how big these babies are getting!!  As uncomfortable as they are making me, it makes me feel so much better thinking about how healthy they'll be when they come out. Today I am at 32 weeks and 3 days and once I hit 34 weeks they wouldn't stop labor if I happened to go in. I wasn't dialated at all on Friday and things looked good. My uterus only grew an inch since last month...I'm now measuring at a 43...which means babies aren't really growing "out" but pushing nicely right up against all my internal organs. Which is SOOO very pleasant! Both babies are head down now, so if they stay that way we can try and shoot for a vaginal delivery.

I continue to grow increasingly uncomfortable, which is to be expected. I used to be fine as long as I could be sitting. Now, even sitting, I just can't seem to find a comfortable position. I am also starting to experience more and more contractions, some which are starting to be a little uncomfortable. That is also to be expected at this stage in the game, my doctor just really wants me to start paying attention to them a little more. We are both getting very anxious. I know I am beyond ready to be done, but we really pray to last a few more weeks.

Today, my family threw an absolutely fantastic baby shower for me!!  Our children are going to be blessed coming into this world with the love they will receive from these people.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Another successful outcome for us today!!!! Cody's MRI looked clean. Thank the Lord. Both Cody and I were a little nervous for today...just because we've been soo blessed lately. Things in our life have really been falling into place and we both just figured it was time someone threw a wrench into it all.  I guess we were wrong and God was looking out for us once again. He's scheduled again for 6 months from now. Cody will hit his 5 year mark next month and once he gets past that then we will talk about moving check-ups from 6 months to a year. (I'm not sure how I feel about that yet).

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

32 weeks

I will be 32 weeks tomorrow...I can't believe how fast the weeks fly by. We have a busy week this week. Thursday is Cody's 6 month oncology appointments. That too sneaks right up on us. Can't believe it's been 6 months already. On Friday, I have my next OB appointment. I will have an ultrasound and then they will also start doing fetal well-being checks, where every appointment from here on out they will be hooking me up to the monitors to get a closer look at the babies. So the appointments could get a little long, plus the fact that I will be starting to go every week. On Saturday my family is throwing me a baby-shower. I am soo looking forward to seeing everyone!!

We continue to be busy around the house too. Last weekend Cody and his dad worked on installing all of our interior bedroom and closet doors. Although it's been a slow process, and I've been ready for my house to be put back together for a long time now, things ARE coming together and will eventually get done.  Cody just keeps telling me "you've got to keep those babies in there for a little while longer!!"  He is getting nervous that they are going to be coming soon and the house won't be done.

I have been doing a pretty good job at taking it easy since being done with work. I have to admit, it's been hard though. There is so much around me that could be done and I do my best to wait until Cody gets home to help with some of it. Sometimes I can't resist and try to do too much myself, but my body lets me know pretty quickly that it's time to sit again.

I will keep you updated as we tackle our appointments at the end of the week.  I'll also try to get some new pictures posted :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Good Times!

*A much needed break. Friday was our last day of school and I am beyond looking forward to some time off. My plan until the babies arrive, is to literally do nothing. Not anticipating any troubles in that area!!

*I had another appointment with my doctor yesterday afternoon. Things are continuing to look good. My swelling is continuing to get worse and more uncomfortable every day.  I've also developed myself a little rash and some SERIOUS itching. The rash is only on my legs below my knees and my feet, but the itching is maddening! My doctor did some lab work, looking for a possible problem with my liver functioning that is common with pregnant women. She honestly doesn't expect any problems with this, but she just wants to be on the safe side. She feels the rash has probably developed due to the pregnancy, but it might just be another thing I have to "deal with." My uterus is measuring at 42 weeks, so I've gone beyond any singleton pregnancy. I am still not showing any signs of dialation...good news. Our next appointment will be in two weeks, that will also be our ultrasound. After 32 weeks I will start going every week, so I will be seeing a lot more of them in the near future. We are on the home stretch!!

*My sister and a close friend of the family threw a wonderful shower for me this morning. It's great to have such fantastic friends and these babies were definitely spoiled today. Thanks everyone!!

*We finally got our cribs and changing table picked up. We had to order them and once they came in, one of the cribs was the wrong color and they had to order it again. So we've been waiting a will feel awesome to get those together and get that room settled.