Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 15, 2009...Wednesday It Is!

We have a date. Our egg retrieval is scheduled for 7am this Wednesday!! After looking at my follicles again today, the number of measurable follicles has gone up, but I didn't ask how many total follicles we were looking at now. When the dr. does the egg retrieval he said that he goes into every follicle and aspirates the liquid out of each of them. He then hands it directly to the lab and they are the ones that take it and look for the egg. So we may not get an egg out of every follicle, but that is the that's why he goes into every one, even the smaller ones. We are just hoping for a good number of good quality eggs. I will continue with my shots through tomorrow night, along with my hCG trigger shot, which is exactly 35 hours before the retrieval. Then no shots required for Tuesday!!! I know it's only one day, but at this point, I'll take whatever break I can get! Cody and I have to be at the clinic at 6am that morning. The actual process takes a very short period of time, but because of the invasive-ness of it all, they do put me under anesthesia. Including recovery time, the nurse thinks we will be out of there between 9 and 9:30 that morning. We are praying that everything goes smoothly.

Believe me, I am beyond nervous, HOWEVER, I am absolutely thrilled to be here and actually have this date scheduled...we are finally getting to the good part!!!!

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