Friday, November 13, 2009

November 13, 2009...On The Road Again

I apologize for not getting an update on here yesterday, just didn't get the time. I had my ultrasound appointment with Dr. Hansen yesterday morning at 7:15. Then I drove back to Worthington to work for the day, and then had to be back in Sioux Falls by 4:30 for my acupuncture appointment. I didn't get back to Brewster until about 8:00 last night, only to finish laundry and quickly pack our weekend bags so they could be in the car this morning as we have to be back to Sioux Falls this afternoon for another appointment. This has been a little challenging and I am putting a lot of effort into making sure I always have with me the right medication for the right time of day. All of my injections are required to be given at the same time every day, and because I haven't always had Cody with me at these times, my parents have had to step up and take on the challenge. We got a pretty good show yesterday morning when my dad attempted my morning injection (right mom?).

The results of my ultrasound showed that my eggs are growing, which is good, but they are not yet mature enough. Everything is a very exact science. All of my eggs have to be just the right size before egg retrieval. But they can't be too big and they can't be too small. So finding the perfect time where the majority of eggs are within the right size is a tricky process, hence all of the ultrasounds so they can be montirored very, very carefully. My plan of action is to continue with the stimulating meds and go back in Saturday morning for another ultrasound. So back to the pharmacy, another $460.00 for just four more injections to get me through to Saturday morning, and away I went. Thanks to my uncontrollable mood swings I seem to be having lately, I actually thought I might cry over the thought of handing over my check card. But once I got into the car and called Cody, we have learned it's easier to just laugh at the insanity of it all rather than getting upset.

The dr. is thinking my appointment on Saturday will give us much more information as to when my egg retrieval might take place. They are guessing Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of next week, but hopefully they will get that narrowed down once we go in on Saturday. Stay tuned for further details.


  1. Dale, Linda and Dylan11/13/2009

    Of course we will stay tuned. I love checking in to see new updates. I don't always comment but I read everything. We will be anxiously waiting for the next posting. Continued love and prays from us.

  2. Anonymous11/14/2009

    Cannot wait to see you two tomorrow and hear how your appointment went! Love you

