Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 14, 2009...No News

My ultrasound this morning showed that I am getting closer, but still not quite ready. The doctor really wanted to be able to give me some more detailed news, but he said he just couldn't. They would like me to continue with my meds. AGAIN, back to the pharmacy...sending me into meltdown mode once I got into my car. For some reason I was under the impression that my first large bag of medicine was going to be everything I needed. So every time I have to fork over more money, it's a little difficult to swallow. I understand that my body is unpredictable and of course they don't want you to pay for more than you need, but our cost for meds alone is really starting to stack up. Anyway, my ultrasound this morning showed 4 follicles on the right side and 6 on the left (so a couple less than the original 12 they were thinking). The biggest follicle in my right ovary measured 15 and the biggest one in my left is measuring at a 17. Ideally they would like the follicles measuring between 18 and 22. So I have to go back in tomorrow morning so they can take another look. I am really hoping we can pinpoint a retrieval date tomorrow. It's hard not to want to rush things but I have to put my faith in everyone that they know what they are doing and we will get the ball rolling when I am ready, and not until then.

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