Tuesday, September 1, 2015

quick update:
-monday morning, cody had a head ct scan. this was ordered by the neurologist last week friday when we called with concerns of cody's increasing seizures
-monday afternoon, cody had blood work, a quick visit with the oncologist, and then radiation.
-because of the seizures, two new medications were added.

current medication list:
dilantin- to help control seizures
decadron- steroid (radiation induced brain swelling)
compazine- anti-nausea medication (radiation and chemo induced nausea)
kytril- anti-nausea medication (radiation and chemo induced nausea)
bactrim- to help prevent infection while on chemo
keppra- used for treating seizures
temodar- chemotherapy
melatonin- sleep aid
tylenol- as needed or pm to help with sleep
colace- stool softener (well, because, all of the above medications can cause serious issues)

many raw emotions running through our household lately. think of an emotion...we've had it. and it often can change minute to minute. it is very important to me to support cody and his feelings through all of this. while we are all affected by this in different ways, he is the only one who has cancer. yes, i do believe that cancer affects an entire family. but cody is the one who has this nasty disease spreading through his brain. and his feelings may be very different than our own. it's a hard balance to take care of yourself but also respect him. there are days that are more difficult than others. there are times within that day that are more difficult than others. and as much as i'm trying to keep it all together, i have to remember, this isn't about me.

all summer we've lived in the "medical world."  cody's health has been our priority and we've been able to eat, sleep, and breathe all of the doctors, appointments, phone calls, medications, and traveling. but now that i'm back to work, i've had to divide my brain into thinking about his medical needs and what i need to accomplish and focus on during my day. it's exhausting. and i often find my brain in a fog. the kids start preschool next week. we'll see how my brain functions then, haha!

1 comment:

  1. Holli I not only pray for Cody but also for you and the kids. I can not imagine the emotions, I have plenty of them myself just thinking of what you all are going through., Yesterday at church was a very emotional time for me. It was on Jesus healing even the sickest people and reforming the miracles. It was hard for me but I do believe we are going to see one, we all just have to hang in there and We love you all with all our hearts. We plan to stop in for a little while on Wed if that is ok. We are bringing a trailer load of stuff over for Sunday and have a couple of things for you guys we want to drop off. We will not stay long as I know you are all needing to get your rest, but just need to see you. Hope you had a GREAT trip. Love and as always prayers all day long. Is it better to come before 7 or after?
