Thursday, September 2, 2010

Tummy Time

Kaden is kind of lazy when it comes to tummy-time :)   He usually doesn't like to work too hard, but he is more than content just laying on his belly.  He cracks us up!!

There we go, we're gettin' some air now!!

When Kenley is on her back she has been favoring the right side of her head IN A BAD WAY! I try to get her on her tummy as often as I can throughout the day. It's difficult though because her "awake time" is usually after she eats and when I put her on her tummy too soon....yep, we have throw up all over. I try everything in my power to get her off that side of her head, but she is one stubborn girl!! Little miss attitude. It drives me batty through the night, when I put her back into her crib and before I can crawl into bed I can see her on the monitor flip her head back to the other side...curses!

I have scheduled their two month check-up, however the pediatrician is out of the office until the first week in October. So our appointment is set for October 8th...which they will be 11 weeks by that time. Oh well.


  1. Could they get any cuter!?!? Man Kaden gets more adorable every time I see him and I am so in love with the tummy-time pic of Kenley :) Her faces are a crack-up! Can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

  2. Anonymous9/06/2010

    Oh man they are getting so big and so cute, I just need to get over and see them again, or you can come this way, baking cookies today. Give them hugs and kisses. Love the pictures on facebook too
