Thursday, September 23, 2010


Update #1:
I had an MRI done on my back on Monday. It's been a year since my last one. Everything still looked ok. The fluid filled cavity in my spinal cord is still present however it has not shown any change when compared to my first scan done two years ago. I am not having any symptoms so my doctor feels comfortable just "forgetting" about it. If something comes up in the future or if I start to experience symptoms again I will go back in to take another look. But for now, it's something we can mark off our calendars.

Update #2:
We're Smiling!!! It started a couple of weeks ago, but the kids are starting to smile and coo....and it's SOO.MUCH.FUN!  Of course I don't have my camera hanging around my neck at all times, so capturing them isn't always easy, but I've managed to catch a few.

Update #3:
We're two months old already. Holy Cow!! It's been awesome to watch Kaden and Kenley grow these last two months. They're starting to get little personalities and every day is a little more fun than the last. However, I must admit that I miss those tiny little newborn days (oh my gosh, did I just say that out loud?).

(Kaden and Kenley with their cousin Khloe and Grandma and Grandpa)

Update #4:
We're CRABBY!!! Our evenings have become filled with lots of screaming. Anywhere between the hours of 7-9pm we have two very cranky babies!

(trying to work my magic: consoling a crabby baby and get the dishes done...success!)

whew...a fantastic feeling!

another success!

Update #5:
I only have one more week at home with my precious babies (sniff, sniff). I have to go back to work next Friday, October 1st. The last ten weeks have gone in the blink of an eye. Who will ever take care of my babes as good as I can??  It's going to be an emotional day.... a prayer or two would be nice :)


  1. Soooooooo precious! Love the pictures :) Travis was bragging that he got to see the babes on Monday while I was in St. Paul, and he claimed they were getting even cuter! I of course didn't believe it was possible... but lo and behold - even more perfect than the last time I saw them! Can't believe they're 2 months old already! Miss you all! Love you lots!

  2. Linda and Dale9/23/2010

    CUTE CUTE CUTE. The pictures are great. More brag pictures at work. How fun!!! Glad to hear things are getting at little easier???!!! It's so much fun when they start responding to you with a smile or a little "story". Can't wait to see them again. You will do fine going back to work. I know it's hard but if you have a good, reliable daycare person, someone you feel comfortable with, that make it sooooo much easier. It will definitely be a change for all of you but once you get in the routine it won't be so bad. Take care and hugs to all of you.

  3. SOOOO PRECIOUS!! I just love those new smiles...isnt that the best?!?! Cannot believe they are two months, really where has the time gone?? Going back to work will be tough the first few days but I promise it will be OK :) See you soon!


    Jason Heidi Coby and Baby C
