Sunday, March 21, 2010

a day for organizing

Seriously, some days I look around our house and wonder....where in the world are we going to put everything to bring two new babies home here???  And then I start to panic a little bit. So Saturday was a day dedicated to just that...making more room. I started in the kitchen. I emptied out all of our kitchen cabinets onto the dining room floor. We then put contact paper down on all of the shelves and in the drawers (thanks mom and dad!) and then found new homes for everything, making sure we had empty spaces for all of the babies needs. We don't have a lot of cabinet space, so everything just had to be rearranged to make it a little more functional for us. This ended up being an all day project, but I sure am glad it's done!!

**We actually ran out of contact paper, so a couple of the bottom shelves are not re-stocked, but it's close enough to being finished that I feel comfortable calling it "done" :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3/21/2010

    I know the purpose of the photos was not to highlight your walls, but I REALLY like the color!! Especially contrasting the cream cupboards! If nothing else these babies are going to have STYLE ;)
    It was so good to see you guys today!! Love you both

    Aunt Jamie
