Thursday, November 3, 2011

just a little mess

Cody and I were doing the dishes the other night and it was just a little too quiet in the other room.  Something's going on when things are too quiet.  So I walked into the living room and this is what I found:

I am blaming this one on Cody though.  He tried changing Kaden's diaper in the living room rather than in the bedroom on the changing table. We've been going through a bit of a stage right now where tantrums are the "in thing" in a couple one year old's minds. We thought we would change it up a bit and throw him on the ottoman to change his diaper instead.  It didn't work, but Cody also forgot to put the wipes and diaper cream away. Kenley thought it was pretty fun though :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11/03/2011

    Im Very convident that they got this Behavior honestly from their Aunt Jamie ! Just to forward you this kind of Thing Wll Happen Again !
