Tuesday, November 29, 2011

7-day wrap up

*Last Wednesday, after work, the kids and I packed up and headed to Brandon for Thanksgiving break. My sister and niece were there and we were so very excited to spend 4 days with them!

*Thanksgiving Day, we went to Windom to my Grandma's for lunch. We drove our Expedition and had every seat filled, plus the dog! After lunch, we spent the afternoon looking through Black Friday ads and making our plan. Yes, we are Black Friday Freaks!!

*8:00 Thursday night we still didn't have a definitive plan. With the stores opening at midnight this year, it made things a little more difficult. How were we going to pick just one!?!  We took a little nap about 9pm and were back up at 10:30 and headed to Sioux Falls. We hit up Shopko, Kohls, and Target. Finally at 3:30am my sister and I had decided we were ready for some sleep!  Too old for all nighters I guess :)  We went home, took a nap, and went back out later that afternoon.

*I certainly didn't care for the Midnight openings on Black Friday. I thought it brought a whole different crowd than what you got going to the 4am openings as in the past. People were crabby and obnoxious. I'm not sure I could do it again, let alone even be interested again :(

*Friday during the day, Kaden started running a temp. Friday night was miserable for us as we were up with him constantly and his fever had climbed to 104. When we climbed into bed Friday night, I was soo excited to get some sleep. I was exhausted! But apparently Kaden had other plans for us.

*Saturday, my aunt and cousin came to visit. They had lunch with us and then spent the afternoon making potato cakes. YUMMY!!  Unfortunately I had to miss the entire thing because Kaden and I were spending it at acute care.

*It had been over 24 hours with him running high temps and we were going to figure out what was going on. After visiting with the Doctor, Kaden's ears, throat, and lungs looked/sounded good. The dr. was determined to find something simply because of the fevers. Fevers are a good thing, but he is fighting off something and he wanted to know what it was. We couldn't seem to break his fever even with Tylenol or Ibuprofin. The dr. did an xray of his sinuses and chest. After reviewing the xray, he diagnosed Kaden with pnuemonia. Off to the pharmacy we went to get another antibiotic.

*Saturday evening Kaden was extremely crabby. We spent another night with no sleep. After finally throwing Kaden in bed with Cody and I, I think I noticed his fever broke sometime early Sunday morning. This was the first time he had been fever-free in over 36 hours.

*Sunday, we had a Thanksgiving meal with Cody's dad and siblings. The meal was great, the company was great, but the crabby baby boy we could have done without.

*Sunday evening we came back to Brewster and before bed Kaden once again had a fever. I planned to stay home with him on Monday.

*Monday, no fever but Kaden was extremely crabby and irritable. There didn't seem to be anything that I could do that would make him happy. We got through the day, but I wasn't about to bring him to daycare on Tuesday knowing he would be this grumpy. So we called Cody's mom and she planned on coming over to watch the kids on Tuesday, just to give Kaden another day and hopefully get over this and start feeling better.

*Tuesday morning, Kaden wakes up with another fever. I called the doctor and discussed whether or not he should be seen. We made an appointment for Tuesday afternoon. After being on an antibiotic for 3 days, he really shouldn't be running temps anymore and should have started to feel better by now.

*Tuesday afternoon, back to Sioux Falls to the doctor. The doctor confirmed that Kaden's diagnosis of pneumonia on Saturday was re-read by the Radiologist who felt it was more of a bronchitis than a pneumonia. He also did some blood work and sucked out Kaden's nose to test. Neither were his favorite!  His blood work came back as viral, so the doctor was pretty convinced the other stuff would too. He called me late this afternoon that Kaden had tested positive to Adenovirus, basically a viral infection of the respiratory tract. Because it's a virus, we stopped the antibiotic and now we just have to wait it out. It's highly contagious, so he'll be out of daycare for the rest of the week. It's nice to finally know what it is and that hopefully we'll be seeing a light at the end of the tunnel....and maybe some sleep too.  We've had too many sleepless nights and it's starting to catch up to me. Watch out, I'm a little crabby!!

But through it all, I can't even begin to share how blessed I feel to have such an amazing husband and awesome kids, as well as the support from family and friends. I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and gave thanks to those you love.

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