Monday, November 21, 2011

14 weeks

Baby's now the size of a lemon!

Welcome to the second trimester! This week's big developments: Baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, grasp and possibly suck his thumb. Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him -- a process he'll keep up until birth.

I had an ultrsound last week at 13 weeks and we also had our first appointment with our OB. It was fun to see how much baby had grown since last ultrasound. Cody is actually looking forward to these ultrasounds as compared to the twins, because "they are soo much shorter!" It was fun to see our OB again and she was soo excited for us. She was also excited (and relieved I think) to find out it was only one baby this time. We spent a lot of time talking about the labor and delivery experience with the twins and my apprehensions this time around. I told her, even at this early stage in the game, that this is my biggest fear. She gave me a lot of good information and discussed why things happened the way they did the first time around. Most of which all lead back to the fact that I was carrying and was delivering twins. She firmly believes that this time around, both the pregnancy and delivery, will be night and day for me.

Which, it has been so far.  I cannot even tell you how amazing I've been feeling!!  In the beginning, I was soo unbearably tired, but I think that had a lot to do with being anemic on top of everything. But now, holy cow....things are going great!  I haven't even felt pregnant. If it weren't for the ultrasounds, and maybe my pants getting a little tight, I don't feel one bit pregnant. It's been quite a difference when compared to the twins!!  I can't believe I'm already at 14 weeks :)

I go back to see the doctor again in a month, but no ultrasound at that time. The next month I will get an ultrasound (and to find out the sex!!) and see the dr. again.  After that appointment we will get an ultrasound at every visit. Even though it's just one baby this time and we did a frozen embryo transfer, the Perinatologists are still considering this an "IVF pregnancy", so they are treating it the same as last time. Because there are more risks for complications during an IVF pregnancy, they like to keep closer tabs on baby throughout the pregnancy. Which I'm totally fine with. I was thinking it was going to be harder this time around not having as many ultrasounds. I think we were a little spoiled the first time getting to watch the babies grow every month. But I'm excited to know this one will be the same :)

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