Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good News

I received a call of good news yesterday.  I have been feeling very "crappy" lately and have been doctoring to try and figure out what's going on. Well, after much lab work, I was told I have "elevated liver enzymes". Didn't mean much to me, but they wanted to do some more testing, a lot more blood work, and more specific liver testing. I gave about my entire body's worth of blood and then also had an ultrasound done of my liver and gallbladder last week. Part of what elevated liver enzymes could mean was liver disease. But I got the call yesterday saying that the ultrasound of my liver/gallbladder/kidneys all looked good.  Which was a big relief. But I'm still not feeling any better. My numbers are still high, but they are still not sure what is causing this and I am also between these two things = PURE EXHAUSTION!!!  I am not even kidding you, for the last week and a half I am asleep on the couch by 7:30 and in bed BEFORE 8:00 every night.  Once Cody gets home from work, I am done!  I find it hard to do anything and sometimes even breathing feels like too much work :(   I have started on an iron supplement which I am hoping will do the trick with the anemia. And we'll just keep an eye on the liver issue.

Myself and the kids are also sick with nasty colds. Kenley has ear infection and the snot is RIDICULOUS!!  We are all exhausted.

So that's part of what's been going on in our lives lately.
This past weekend we went to Des Moines to visit and hit up the Pumpkin Patch. We had a blast and I think the kids did too :)  We had absolutely gorgeous weather and it was a perfect day!
You'll never guess, but I forgot my camera. Yep, it was still sitting in the bedroom when we got home. I do have pictures, but I will have to get them off of my parents computer, which I'm hoping to get done this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/06/2011

    Soooo glad everything looks fine for you now, Another real worry though. Hope everyone gets to feeling much better, sounds like Cody is the only well one. I know all to well what that anemia thing is, had it for years. Really wears you down. Love and Prayers to all Grandma and Grandpa
