Tuesday, October 11, 2011

can we just be done?

Ugh, have I told you lately how much we hate giving the kids their inhalers?? They each continue to get two puffs morning and night, which only takes about 30 seconds total, but it feels like the longest 30 seconds EVER and then they have to act like we are trying to kill them!  They know when they get them and they can see it coming.

So then they run away. Which is a real treat :)

 It really is a struggle every day. I know for such a short lived thing, I really should just get over it, but it's getting to be such an annoyance. We then have to brush their teeth and clean their mouth out afterwards, which is also something they have grown to hate!!

I suppose they are doing their job though.  Through this last round of colds, they did have the coughing, but it didn't travel to the lungs and it hasn't gotten out of control.

You would think that because this has just become part of their routine, they would be getting used to it. We feel like every time we bring it out, it's like we're introducing it to them for the first time!

Oh well, that's all I have for you today :)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10/14/2011

    So sorry for you and them, but if it keeps the pnuemonia away it is well worth it. Hopefully they are well soon and stay that way. Keyane is going through basically the same thing, allergies they tell her. Fun of having little children. Love you all, Grandma Finke
