Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm Holli. I'm married to an amazing guy named Cody and we have two children, Kaden and Kenley.

It's nice to meet you :)

Ohhhhh my!!!  I see it's been a month since I've posted last. Huh?!?  I don't really have an excuse, but the one I'm going to use is that I've started back to work and blogging is the absolute last thing I've had time for these days.  How's that for an excuse?

We've been busy this last month.  The biggest change around here, is that summer is over :(   I've gone back to school and the kids are back at daycare. Our lazy summer schedule has turned into a tight routine followed from morning to night.

Some highlights of the month:

*We've been working on getting Kenley's pacifier away from her. Not a task I was looking forward to because she's gotten pretty darn attached to it. But it didn't take long at all...we just started laying her down in her crib at night and not giving it to her, and she's been fine! Go figure :) I haven't been able to give it up in the car yet. Did you catch that..."I"  haven't been able to give it up yet. She just gets soo cranky in her car seat and when I give it to her, SILENCE. And then she typically falls asleep. So for now, she's only got it in the car, which is better than where I thought we would be at this point.

*We've also taken away their Sound Machine. We purchased one shortly after the kids were born because they were both soo grunty and noisy that we thought it would help them sleep. They've loved it and it was part of their routine. They knew it was time to sleep when we turned it on. We figure they are old enough now to go to sleep without having to have it on. That was also an easy transition...WHEW!

*The kids absolutely hate to see me when I come pick them up from daycare. I wait all day long to see them and can't wait to go get them after work, and the second they see me, they turn away and start whining. They refuse to come to me and throw a fit when we start walking to the car. It's an absolute wrestling match when I put them in their carseats and I end up a hot mess!!

*We went to Yankton camping with a large group of friends and had a great time!! I packed my camera and when I pulled it out to use it "NO MEMORY CARD" appeared on the screen :(   Huge bummer!!
*The kids and I went with my parents down to Des Moines for the Iowa State Fair and to visit my sister for a long weekend. The weather was absolutely beautiful for August. Cody decided he would rather go camping with some friends, so he camped that weekend a free man. But he had to miss out on this:

*Kaden has learned to climb....and he is now climbing on EVERYTHING!!!

*We officially have a WALKER!!! about MIA. But it's good to be back. Hopefully I will do better :)


  1. Um...we're taking the sound machines away?!? Guess I missed that memo! Glad they are doing well without & dad about went nuts in Minneapolis wuth "Lullaby"!

  2. Yeah, she thought it was probably time for Khloe to be done with hers too :)

  3. Anonymous9/08/2011

    Look at those legs of Kenley's I LOVE IT!

  4. For the love of Pete, thank goodness you're back!! :) Joey tells me every day, "stop checking that thing, it hasn't changed in months!" Months may be an exaggeration on his part, but I'm sure glad I can let him know it's still worth checking sometimes... or every day... okay, so maybe I check it more than once a day ;)
    Love those two!

  5. Linda and Dale9/11/2011

    I'm with you Jamie. I check it at least once a day. Welcome back and thanks soooo much or the updates.
