Friday, September 9, 2011

boo boos

Kaden has had a couple of accidents this week. Since learning to climb, I'm not even kidding you, he is climbing up on everything...and has no fear!

Earlier this week, he climbed up on the ottoman and fell off, landing on the Little Tikes kitchen (which is what he used to get up there in the first place), cutting the top and bottom of his eye.

Now today, I get a call at work from daycare, saying that Kaden had a little accident with the wagon. He cut his lip and it swelled pretty good.

Poor little guy...

1 comment:

  1. Linda and Dale9/11/2011

    OUCH...looks like it hurts. Poor little man. Don't you wish they would learn by their boo boos? Plenty more too come I'm sure, for both of them.
