Saturday, April 16, 2011

thoroughly annoyed!!

Here was our unexpected Saturday plan, that completely turned into a waste of a day!

As we continuously hope and pray for warmer weather, we know summer will eventually get here...and we have been on the hunt for a camper. Cody spends his time in the evenings on the internet looking for that "perfect" camper, for the "perfect" price. Well last night we thought we finally found it on Craigslist. But it was in Rochester, MN. Cody spends a lot of time looking and researching and comparing, so when we decide to go and look at something, it's usually with the intent of buying. So even if we do have to travel some, it's usually worth it. The seller and I emailed back and forth several times last night and set up an appointment for late this morning. Before going to bed last night Cody mentioned the fact that we should probably give him our cell phone number just in case something comes up on his end and he has to cancel, so he can let us know right away....ya know, since it will be a 3 hour drive for us. So I emailed him our number and everything was set. We got up at 6 oclock this morning in order to be on the road by 8:00. We talked about this camper the entire way to Rochester...we were so excited! If it really was everything the guy told us it was, then we were ready to pull it home. We missed out on camping season last year due to my inability to move and then the birth of the babes, so we're ready to take back our summers. ANYWAY, our appointment was to meet at 11:00 and we pulled up to the house about 10:45. But there were people there. People who were looking at the camper. Hmmm...Cody said to me under his breath "this doesn't look good." So we stood back for a minute and waited for the guy to finish putting up the awning. Then he came over to us and said the words that made steam come rolling from our ears. "Are you the people I talked to through email last night?"   Yep, that would be us.  "Well this couple just came a few minutes ago and they want to buy the camper. I know you guys drove a distance, but you know how it goes."  

EXCUSE ME?!?  "YOU KNOW HOW IT GOES?"  NO, I guess we don't know how it goes!!  We were literally on the guy's driveway for less than 90 seconds!  We were SPEECHLESS. We got back in the pickup to turn around and drive home.

Not only were we angry, I was very disappointed in the guy. I would like to think I would have handled the situation a little differently. We would have never driven that distance, with 8 month old twins stuck in their carseats for 6 hours, if we weren't significantly interested in purchasing. But that's just me. Maybe I'm a little too kind for the world today.


  1. Anonymous4/16/2011

    I probably would have ran this guy over. I would think that he would have thought that through. Rediculous!!
    I am almost fuming about how stupid he is.

  2. Id still send him an email telling him how disrespectful you thought it was & you should have had the 1st opportunity to look at it. Id have to get the last word in or it would drive me crazy...literally!
