Thursday, April 21, 2011

8 month wrap-up...

my handsome little man, growing up way too fast!

They like to follow us around the house. They can get themselves anywhere they want to be!

I think he likes that little guy on the other side of the mirror :)

We are soo ready to get rid of our winter coats!!

For some reason, Kenley thinks she must be ON TOP of Kaden at all times. Anytime they are near each other, she is crawling all over him....and he just takes it.

"mom, do I have food on my face?"

Their first night in the big bathtub. Ok now, don't judge. I know they should have been in here a long time ago. But it's just been so much easier giving them baths in the little tub in the sink. Now bath time lasts a little's so much fun!!  Kaden gets a little scared though (have I ever mentioned he's kind of a chicken?) If there is any water dripping from the faucet, he starts to whine...if he catches the sound of the water slowly draining from the plug, he starts to whine...AND we've had to remove the rubber ducky, because you know he was SUPER SCARY!! 

The past couple of weeks Kaden has not really been in the mood to go to bed at night. And when he's not ready....he's NOT ready. It's not even worth it to attempt to put him to bed because the screaming is ridiculous! But, if we let him play a little while longer until he is ready to go to bed on his terms, then he is much easier to put down. Car seats are so much more fun to play with than going to bed!

Fun in the tub!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, your comment about the rubber ducky had me rolling :) Gosh I miss them! Can't wait to see you all this weekend!

    Love to everyone!
