Saturday, April 23, 2011

9 months

The kids had their 9 month well baby check yesterday.  They are not doing a very good job of listening to mom and decided to turn 9 months without my permission :(

Weight: 19lbs. 10oz (35th percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches

Weight: 22lbs. 15oz (97th percentile)
Height: 27.5 inches 

*Since we've started putting the kids in the big bathtub, we now start baths about 7:15 and let them play for about 15 minutes so we are done with baths by 7:30. This is followed by a bottle and bed time.
*They are eating 3 solid meals a day and 24-26oz. of formula throughout the day. 
*They are eating baby cereal, fruits, vegetables, and trying a variety of table foods. They LOVE to eat!
*They are starting to use sippy cups.
*Kaden has two bottom teeth and two top teeth, Kenley has two bottom teeth.
*They both are crawling: Kaden "inch-worming", Kenley "army crawling". They can get themselves all over the house and everywhere they're NOT supposed to be. Kenley enjoys crawling all over her brother and he doesn't seem to mind a bit.
*Kenley is wearing 12/12-18 month clothes, Kaden is wearing 6-9/9-12 month clothes.
*Kenley is in size 4 diapers, Kaden wears 3's and 4's.
*They both talk constantly and are starting to imitate speech sounds.
*They both take a while to warm up in "new situations" (maybe a little like mom and dad!)
*Kaden continues to demonstrate some serious stranger anxiety, especially with men. We're hoping this doesn't last too much longer!
*They both are just starting to figure out how to pull themselves up to furniture. They're just pulling to kneeling position, but pulling to stand won't be far behind I'm sure.
*They both are responding to their name.
*Kaden takes 1-2 naps a day, Kenley usually takes 3.
*Kenley is a toy hog, and a bit of a bully.  At this very second, they are having their first "toy fight" that's actually getting a little heated.... they are pulling it back and forth and Kaden is standing his ground...Kenley is not very happy, even shedding some tears (it's not very often that Kaden doesn't give up his toy when she attempts to take it out of his hands, and I don't think she liked that very well).

In 3 short months my babies will be turning 1.  I can't even believe it!  They bring so much joy into our lives it's simply impossible to think of our lives before they were here!!!

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