Wednesday, April 21, 2010

growing babies

My monthly ultrasound delivered more good news. Today an echocardiogram, to take a closer look at their hearts, was completed attempted on both babies. Baby boy was a little uncooperative, therefore they weren't able to get everything they needed off of him (he's already starting to remind me of his father).  Baby girl's heart looks great and looking at the little bit they were able to see today, they are not expecting anything out of the ordinary on baby boy either. They'll try again when I go back in 4 weeks. But for now, what a great relief!

I was a little shocked to hear how much they've grown in the last 4 weeks. Apparently mommy is feeding them well :)  Little Miss is weighing in at 1pound 10ounces (66th percentile) and our little man is weighing in at 1pound 11ounces (75th percentile)!!!  These would be weights they would expect to see in a singleton pregnancy at this stage in the game. So to see that both of them were gaining good weight is pretty fantastic. My expanding abdomen gave me a pretty good idea that they were growing healthily! My uterus is now measuring at 33 weeks...yikes! I can't imagine what the next 3 months will bring.

With the ultrasound focusing primarily on their hearts today, I did not get very good pictures :(  I got a couple of profile pictures, but nothing clear enough that would even be worth posting. At the end when they tried to go back and get some 3D pictures, both babies had already flipped over and were facing down... so I didn't get any of them either. I kind of feel a little robbed!!  Oh well, it was great to be able to see them again. Both continue to be very's quite the show sometimes.

My doctor wants to start seeing me every two weeks now. She said if anything were to start happening, as far as preterm labor, it would be starting around this time, so she just wants to keep a closer eye on me. My ultrasounds will continue to be every 4 weeks. She said 24 weeks is a magical number, because at 24 weeks babies are able to survive outside of the womb. We obviously don't want to see them yet, so we will continue to make baby steps and make sure they stay put for a while.


  1. Linda and Dale4/21/2010

    Thanks for the update. I was a little disappointed when there were no pictures but I got over it fast when I read the great news. Glad to hear they are growing well and all is well with their hearts. Can't wait until the next update and the next round of ultrasound pictures. Take good care of everyone!!!

  2. Anonymous4/21/2010

    Oh my gosh it sound like the two of them are going to fighting for room pretty quick.If they keep growing at this rate they are going to be some VERY healthy kids.which is wonderful thanks for the update it is great to hear how they are doing every month.take care of you and don't over do it gary char keyane

  3. Anonymous4/21/2010

    Was great to get the GOOD news and know that all is well with them and Mom, hopefully Dad too, not getting to stressed,haha.Sure was looking forward to pictures, but to know they are doing so good is ok too. Love you alland many prayers Grandma and Grandpa
