Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 21, 2010...first appointment

Just a quick update to let you know things are going well. We had our first appointment today with the OB.  A very long visit and unfortunately uneventful. We did get to hear the heartbeats again today, and they both have gone down from the last time, so that was good to hear. I won't have another appointment until I am 16 weeks. This will be the longest stretch we go before seeing the doctor again. After that point it sounds like I will be there every 2 weeks, with ultrasounds at every visit. I have really started feeling a lot better the last week or two. I have not been feeling or getting sick nearly as much, so other than my pants getting too tight I really don't feel pregnant very often anymore.  I don't think Cody has gotten used to the fact that sometimes out of the blue I just need to lay down and will actually end up sleeping for an hour. It was good for him today to hear the doctor say that it's normal for me to be tired, a new kind of tired, and will most likely feel that the entire pregnancy.  Another great piece of news for us (more for me though I think) is that we will be done with my progesterone shots in 8 DAYS!!!!  These last few days have been horrible, I think just because I can see the end in sight and I'm just done...I don't want to do them anymore! 


  1. Good to hear things went well at the OB. With ultrasounds every visit I hope that means more pictures too. Can't wait!!!! Glad to hear you are feeling better and just so you know you better take advantage of the little naps now because that won't happen when the babies get here. Glad to hear the count down is only 8 days away for the shots. Take care and we'll keep looking for pics. GOOOOO VIKES!!!!!!

  2. Dylan Nelson1/23/2010

    Congrates sound like everything went well. We hope everything turn out as well as we hope. I cant wait to see those little tikes running around at grandma's and at all the family gathering. Glad you are getting done with those shots.

  3. Anonymous1/26/2010

    Just think a little over 28 weeks left & you'll have them to hold in your arms & squeeze them & oogle over them! HOW EXCITING!!!!
    Dareth & Alyse
