Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23, 2009...Today's appointment

Wow...another appointment with a ton of information. Today:
*We each gave 5 vials of blood
*Cody collected a "just in case" sperm sample. This would be used as back-up in the event that Cody would be sick or would have an emergency the day of my egg retrieval and wouldn't get a sample collected.
*I completed a Saline Infusion Sonogram (SIS). This consists of imaging the uterus through an ultrasound while injecting saline into the uterine cavity. This is an attempt to detect any abnormalities such as polyps or fibroids that could be contributing to our infertility. Another VERY uncomfortable procedure, but thank goodness for normal results!
*We finished by going through injection training. Yikes!! Again, a lot of information. I was getting extremely overwhelmed but the nurse assured us that she was just giving us an overview and we only have to take it one step at a time and worry about what we are doing in the "now" versus looking at what is to come.
As far as my injection schedule goes, I already start tomorrow. This shot of Lupron is something I will do everyday and is to be taken in conjunction with the last five days of my birth control (to continue the suppression of my ovaries). I will continue this everyday until my egg retrieval, which will probably take place somewhere around November 13-17th.
I can definately say I'm getting a little anxious about starting with all of these injections, but we completed another big hurdle today and were blessed by coming out on top!!


  1. Anonymous10/24/2009

    EXCITING! One step closer... I'm actually feeling a little anxious for you just reading this...
    Ya' know the closer things get the harder I'm praying.. SO KEEP THINGS POSITIVE! GOOD LUCK! LOTS OF LOVE & HOPE!
    -Dareth & Alyse

  2. Anonymous10/26/2009

    I'm so impatient! Just take the eggs already darn it! I don't know how you are keeping your patience in check! Can't wait to hear the rest of the news! Woo Hoo!
    Kris & Josh
